Wayfarers Book 1
Let me be clear from the get-go. I think many readers would rate this book with at least 4 stars, even 5, but quite honestly, I'm not the ideal reader for this book, so MY rating is a little lower. I just don't want people to miss a fun, well-written, diversely cast, thoughtful, filled with love book.
My problem with the book is that the plot was little more than a wisp of smoke in an evening breeze. I need a plot, really I do. And this world/universe was built in a way that a whole BUNCH of plots could have been explored. But the author didn't go there with her diverse merry band of 'tunnellers', wormhole builders if you will. Instead she went for exploring the characters and their backgrounds and how this biggest job of their lives manages to affect them all in a very profound way.
We get most of the story through the eyes of Rosemary, the young human who comes aboard as the ship's clerk, trying to escape her past and in reality, learn who she is and who she wants to be moving forward. It's really a New Adult coming of age story, I guess. Again, not my cup of tea, but I liked it in spite of that.
Here's a fan drawing of the crew I found that I thought was pretty good. It's a crew that often reminded me of the crew of Firefly. There are unlikable members and members that you just want to hug to bits.They all gel as a team though, especially after their big job journey. Again, the story is way more about the characters than that big job thing. :)
So, if you're looking for some sci-fi fun, heavy on the characterisation, light on plot, but a fun read and one that will warm the proverbial cockles of your heart, this is your book. :) It'll make you feel good!
And I'll probably be picking up the next one in the series at some point.
And I'll probably be picking up the next one in the series at some point.
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