3.5 Stars
Kate Daniels - Book One
When I was only a few chapters in I felt that the author (or authors because I understand it's a husband and wife team) was trying to be almost paranormal noir? Is that even a thing?
Anyway, upon finishing, I still had that feeling and that was okay, Didn't mind it at all. I liken this book to a bowl of chips with some dip. Really good snack food. Nothing overly deep but a lot of fun.
I'm not a paranormal fan usually, but with this first installment of Kate Daniels' adventures I found myself quite enjoying the characters. That's a biggie for me. That's 3/4s of the author's battle right there. Kate is a bad-ass. You are never left in doubt of that. I found it very entertaining and not annoying at all. It can be, but not in this case, or not yet. And we don't really know alot about Kate even by the end of this first book. I feel like I've just scratched the surface and it's a very um... misleading surface.
One problem I had with the book is that there are no other female characters of import. A couple of bad guy girlfriends, a couple of receptionist types, one pack leader but I don't even thing she has a line of dialogue. I hope there are more in the books to come because if not, I'm going to end up losing interest. The world created can be populated with important women just as it is with important men.
Speaking of the men. We meet Curran, the Beast Leader, shapechanger extraordinaire and all things sexy. So alpha that he's the alpha of alphas. You know he's destined for Kate. And that's okay, that's how the trope rolls. Now for a while, I thought we were being set up for another romance angle with a human doctor - made me think of the Stephanie Plum books and I was worried. But nope, appears not, so I let out a sigh of relief. I also don't think Kate is going to go the way of Anita Blake, which is a blessing.
All in all, I think my fave characters were actually Mahon - the Executioner of The Pack and Eddie, young wolf shifter. I hope we're going to see more of the latter, that's not a given as I read things. He could fade into the background, but Mahon will be around for a while unless he gets killed off in a coming book which is highly possible.
Anyway, I did enjoy my read and will continue the adventure with Kate and the guys. I'm told by a few people that the series only gets better as it goes along.
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